
Pomembnost: Pomembno
Čas objave: 9. 01. 2015 12:10:17
Veljavnost do: 6. 02. 2015 00:00:00

Oddaja obračunov DPZP za leto 2015 (Submission of returns for insurance contracts tax for 2015)

Zavezanci lahko v mesecu januarju 2015 nemoteno oddajo davčni obračun DPZP za mesec december 2014 (rok za vložitev obračuna je 15.1.2015), prav tako popravke obračunov, ki se nanašajo na že oddane obračune v letu 2014 ali prej. Zaradi nadgradnje programske podpore za oddajo obračuna davka od prometa zavarovalnih poslov pa je trenutno onemogočena oddaja obračunov DPZP za leto 2015 (za mesec januar 2015 in naprej). Po opravljeni nadgradnji in sprostitvi možnosti oddaje obračuna DPZP za mesec januar 2015, ki bo predvidoma opravljena do konca januarja 2015, vas bomo o tem obvestili.


Hvala za razumevanje!



In January 2015 the submission of insurance contracts tax returns functions smoothly for December 2014 (deadline for submission of returns is 15 January 2015). Taxpayers may also submit corrections of returns, which refer to already submitted returns in 2014 or before.


At the moment it is not possible to submit insurance contracts tax returns for 2015 (for January and onwards) due to upgrading of software for submission of insurance contracts tax returns.


You will be informed about the concluded upgrading and when it will be possible to submit insurance contracts tax returns for January 2015, which is expected to be concluded until the end of January 2015.


Best regards!