⚠ From Friday, 5.7.2024, to Sunday, 7.7.2024, there may be occasional disruptions to individual services of the eDavki portal due to maintenance on the FURS systems. ⚠

Submission of VAT return form (DDV-O) 

Every taxable person identified for VAT purposes shall submit to the tax authority a VAT return setting out all the information needed to calculate the tax that has become chargeable and the deduction to be made including, where necessary for establishing the basis of assessment, the total value of the transactions relating to such tax and deductions and the value of any exempt transactions.

Every taxable person identified for VAT purposes is obliged to submit a VAT return. VAT return is submitted also by tax representatives for procedure 42 for taxable persons with registered offices in another Member State and who perform only customs procedure 42 in Slovenia and they are not identified for VAT purposes in Slovenia.


A taxable persons must submit the tax return to the tax authority by the last business day of the month following the expiry of the tax period; however, the law provides for exceptions, such as:

• a taxable person who carries out intra-Community transactions and is liable to submit a recapitulative statement must submit a VAT return by the twentieth day of the month following the expiry of the tax period,
• in the event of the expiry of the validity of identification for VAT purposes, personal bankruptcy, compulsory composition, bankruptcy, liquidation and death of a taxable person,
• when the tax authority performs an inspection and establishes that there are reasonable grounds for suspicion that VAT charged on the provisions of goods or services will not be paid and issues a decision requiring the taxable person concerned to submit a VAT return before the expiry of the statutory time limit for submitting the VAT return, and for a tax period that is less than one calendar month or quarter.

Taxable persons shall submit a VAT return regardless of whether they are liable for payment of VAT in the tax period for which the return is submitted.

Where and how

Taxable persons must submit their VAT tax returns electronically via FURS's eDavki portal.


VAT return (DDV-O)
Electronic submission    Fill/print     Instructions


No fee.


A legal person, sole trader or self-employed individual will be fined from EUR 2,000 to EUR 125,000 for an offence with a penalty ranging from EUR 2,000 to EUR 125,000 for failing to submit or for failing to submit in the required manner and within the required time limits a VAT return, or for failing to provide the required data in the VAT return.

The responsible person of the legal person or the responsible person of a sole trader or of a self-employed individual will also be fined from EUR 200 to EUR 4,100 for the aforementioned offence.


    • Splošno o DDV (Podrobnejši opisi)
    • Sprememba zakonodaje na področju DDV (Podrobnejši opisi)
    • Posebna ureditev za opravljanje storitev mednarodnega občasnega cestnega prevoza potnikov (Podrobnejši opisi)
    • Obdavčitev subvencij z DDV (Podrobnejši opisi)
    • Mehanizem obrnjene davčne obveznosti v določenih sektorjih (Podrobnejši opisi)
    • Gradnja in prenos komunalne opreme na občino (Podrobnejši opisi)
    • Davčna obravnava poslovanja z virtualno valuto po ZDoh-2, ZDDPO-2, ZDDV-1 in ZDFS (Podrobnejši opisi)
    • Promocija zdravja na delovnem mestu (Podrobnejši opisi)
    • 13/2016: Navodilo o formalnostih, vezanih na plačevanje uvoznega DDV (Navodila in poajsnila)
    • 4212-3657/2017-6: Oddajanje nepremičnin v turistični najem in DDV (Navodila in pojasnila)
    • 4230-742/2017-1: Prepozna identifikacija za namene DDV, obveznost obračunavanja DDV in pravica do odbitka DDV (Navodila in pojasnila)
    • 0920-6833/2017-6: Pojasnilo glede DDV obravnave knjižničnih nadomestil (Navodila in pojasnila)
    • 0920-6833/2017-7: Pojasnilo glede DDV obravnave nadomestil avtorjem za tonsko ali vizualno snemanje in za fotokopiranje (Navodila in pojasnila)
    • 4230-513/2017-1: Pojasnilo glede sedmega odstavka 131. člena Pravilnika o izvajanju ZDDV-1 (Navodila in pojasnila)
    • 4230-145/2017: Popravljanje napak iz preteklih obdobij v tekočem obračunu DDV po 88.b členu ZDDV-1 (Navodila in pojasnila)
    • 0920-10563/2016-1: Osebe javnega prava in izkazovanje DDV od uvoza prek obračuna DDV (Navodila in pojasnila)
    • 4230-474/2016-6: Obračunavanje DDV pri slednih pravicah (Navodila in pojasnila)
    • 4240-2111/2016-34: Stopnja DDV za trakove za medicinske izdelke (Navodila in pojasnila)
    • 0920-8410/2016: Odbitek DDV pri uvozu blaga po 1. 7. 2016 (Navodila in pojasnila)
    • 4234-518217/2015-1: Osnova za izračun DMV in DDV pri pridobitvah vozil (Navodila in pojasnila)