⚠ From Friday, 5.7.2024, to Sunday, 7.7.2024, there may be occasional disruptions to individual services of the eDavki portal due to maintenance on the FURS systems. ⚠

Write-off, partial write-off, deferral or monthly instalment of tax liabilities for natural persons 

If the payment of tax levies could threaten the subsistence of taxable persons and their family members, taxable members may apply for a write-off, partial write-off, deferral or payment in monthly instalments.

An application may only be submitted by natural persons, exceptionally also by self-employed natural persons under the assumption that the tax obligation does not arise from the performance of activities.


An application may be submitted from the incurrence to the full and final settlement of tax liability.

Where and how

Applications can be submitted in the following manner:

1. By post by email to the competent finance office with which taxable persons are recorded in the tax register.

2. Electronically via FURS's eDavki portal.

3. Electronically via FURS's eDavki portal as a personal document.


Odpis, delni odpis, odlog oziroma obročno plačilo davka za fizične osebe
Electronic submission    Fill/print     Instructions


No fee.


There are no sanctions.