Navodila za namestitev Jave za uporabnike brskalnikov, ki uporabljajo Java komponento za podpisovanje
Za pravilno delovanje komponente za podpisovanje je obvezna Java 8, z vsemi ustreznimi posodobitvami. Javo redno posodabljajte.
Namestitev Jave podjetja Oracle je na Linux operacijskih sistemih zahtevnejše opravilo, ki zahteva več tehničnega znanja o operacijskem sistemu.
Za podpisovanje dokumentov z brskalniki, ki uporabljajo Java komponento za digitalno podpisovanje, morate imeti nameščeno ustrezno različico brskalnika in ustrezno različico programa Java (JRE).
Komponenta za delovanje potrebuje Javo (JRE) podjetja Oracle (, zato vse ostale odprto-kodne in podobne različice, ki so običajno prednameščene v operacijskih sistemih Linux, ne bodo zadostovale.
Splošna navodila
Če imate ustrezno Javo že nameščeno in delujočo v vašem izbranem brskalniku, to lahko preverite na strani Če boste v brskalniku videli obvestilo o ustrezno nameščeni in zagnani Javi podjetja Oracle, potem je vaš brskalnik pripravljen za uporabo. V nasprotnem primeru pa vam glede na operacijski sistem ponujamo nekaj informacij in navodil o možnostih namestitve.
Ob namestitvi nove verzije okolja Java (JRE) na linux sistemih, tudi z uporabo samodejne nadgradnje (to je privzeta nastavitev), se ta namesti v novo mapo in je potrebno postopek namestitve komponent ponoviti.
Operacijski sistem Mac OS
Namestitev Jave:
Na operacijskem sistemu Mac OS, Java privzeto ni nameščena.
Namestiti in aktivirati morate Oracle Javo (JRE), ki jo lahko najdete na uradni strani za prenos jave.
Namestitev lahko opravite tako, da sledite navodilom za namestitev Oracle Jave, ki so dostopna ob prenosu iz uradne spletne strani.
- Prenesete zadnjo različico namestitvene datoteke, jo zaženete in sledite navodilom.
Uvoz digitalnih potrdil:
Uvoz osebnega digitalnega potrdila v operacijski sistem za potrebe brskalnika Safari:
- Digitalno potrdilo (certifikat) je potrebno namestiti v shrambo digitalnih potrdil, ki se imenuje Keychain Access.
- To storite tako, da datoteko vašega certifikata povlečete v okno Keychain Access -> Login -> My Certificates ali pa jo dvakrat kliknete. V drugem primeru, ko certifikat uvažate z dvojnim klikom nanj, izberete Keychain=Login in nato certifikat dodate v shrambo oz. ga uvozite.
Uvoz osebnega digitalnega potrdila v brskalnik Firefox:
- Digitalno potrdilo (certifikat) je potrebno namestiti v shrambo digitalnih potrdil, ki je v samem brskalniku.
- To storite tako, da v brskalniku izvedete naslednje korake:
- en: Preferences -> Advanced -> Certificates -> View Certificates -> Your Certificates -> Import
- si: Nastavitve -> Napredno -> Digitalna potrdila -> Preglej digitalna potrdila -> Vaša digitalna potrdila -> Uvozi
Uvoz spletnega strežniškega potrdila SIGOV-CA potrdila (opcijsko):
- Uvoz ni potreben, v kolikor boste pri postopku oddaje izbrali opcijo "Always trust content from this publisher".
- Spletno strežniško potrdilo strežnika podpisano s strani SIGOV-CA je potrebno uvoziti v Java Plugin kot korensko potrdilo:
- Odprite Oracle Java Plugin Control Panel tako, da v System Preferences kliknite na ikono Java.
- Izberite: Security -> Manage Certificates -> Certificate Type = Secure Site -> User -> Import (file sigov-ca.crt)
V primeru težav:
- V primeru težav nam pošljite izpisek iz Java Control Panel:
- Odprite Oracle Java Plugin Control Panel tako, da v System Preferences kliknite na ikono Java.
- Izberite Advanced -> Java Console -> in izberite Show Console.
- Ponovno poženite brskalnik in obiščite testno stran za podpisovanje.
- Ob nalaganju strani se bo odprlo dodatno okno oz. Java konzola, kjer bo zabeležen celoten postopek nameščanja in morebitne napake.
Vrnite se k splošnim navodilom za nameščanje komponente za podpisovanje dokumentov.
Operacijski sistem Ubuntu (Linux)
Namestitev jave:
Na operacijskem sistemu Ubuntu je običajno nameščena ali prednameščena odprto-kodna različica Jave OpenJDK, ki je komponenta za podpisovanje ne podpira.
Namestiti in aktivirati morate Oracle Javo (JRE), ki jo lahko najdete na uradni strani za prenos Jave.
Namestitev lahko opravite na več načinov - ponujamo vam 3 možnosti - izberite eno od njih:
- Sledite lahko navodilom za namestitev Oracle Jave, ki so dostopna ob prenosu iz uradne spletne strani.
- Več informacij lahko dobite tudi v navodilih operacijskega sistema
- Uporabite pa lahko podrobnejša navodila, ki smo jih pripravili mi in so bila veljavna vsaj na dan 01.09.2015:
- Posodobite operacijski sistem, da se posodobijo tudi brskalniki.
- Ponovno zaženite operacijski sistem.
- Namestite Oracle Javo po naslednjih navodilih (opravilo, ki zahteva več tehnološkega znanja o operacijskem sistemu):
- Ukaze zaženete v Terminalu.
- Dodate repozitorij:
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
- Ko imate repozitorij shranjen, ga posodobite:
- Namestite Javo 8:
- sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
- Preverite ali je Java nameščena:
- Če ne deluje, posebej nastavite privzeto uporabo Oracle Jave:
- sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-8-oracle
- Izberete ustrezno Javo.
- Ponovno zaženete operacijski sistem.
Uvoz digitalnih potrdil:
Uvoz osebnega digitalnega potrdila v brskalnik Firefox:
- Digitalno potrdilo (certifikat) je potrebno namestiti v shrambo digitalnih potrdil, ki je v samem brskalniku.
- To storite tako, da v brskalniku izvedete naslednje korake:
- en: Preferences -> Advanced -> Certificates -> View Certificates -> Your Certificates -> Import
- si: Nastavitve -> Napredno -> Digitalna potrdila -> Preglej digitalna potrdila -> Vaša digitalna potrdila -> Uvozi
Uvoz spletnega strežniškega potrdila SIGOV-CA potrdila (opcijsko):
- Uvoz ni potreben, v kolikor boste pri postopku oddaje izbrali opcijo "Always trust content from this publisher".
- Spletno strežniško potrdilo strežnika podpisano s strani SIGOV-CA je potrebno uvoziti v Java Plugin kot korensko potrdilo:
- Odprite Oracle Java Plugin Control Panel ali poženite ukaz 'jcontrol' v Terminalu.
- Izberite: Security -> Manage Certificates -> Certificate Type = Secure Site -> User -> Import (file sigov-ca.crt)
V primeru težav:
- V primeru težav nam pošljite izpisek iz Java Control Panel:
- Odprite Oracle Java Plugin Control Panel ali poženite ukaz 'jcontrol' v Terminalu.
- Izberite Advanced -> Java Console -> in izberite Show Console.
- Ponovno poženite brskalnik in obiščite testno stran za podpisovanje.
- Ob nalaganju strani se bo odprlo dodatno okno oz. Java konzola, kjer bo zabeležen celoten postopek nameščanja in morebitne napake.
Vrnite se k splošnim za nameščanje komponente za podpisovanje dokumentov.
Operacijski sistem Fedora (Linux)
Namestitev jave:
Na operacijskem sistemu Fedora je običajno nameščena ali prednameščena odprto-kodna različica Jave OpenJDK, ki je komponenta za podpisovanje ne podpira.
Namestiti in aktivirati morate Oracle Javo (JRE), ki jo lahko najdete na uradni strani za prenos Jave. Java vtičnik v samem brskalniku ni več potreben.
Namestitev lahko opravite na več načinov - ponujamo vam 3 možnosti - izberite eno od njih:
- Sledite lahko navodilom za namestitev Oracle Jave, ki so dostopna ob prenosu iz uradne spletne strani.
- Več informacij lahko dobite tudi v navodilih operacijskega sistema
- Uporabite pa lahko podrobnejša navodila, ki smo jih pripravili mi in so bila veljavna vsaj na dan 01.09.2015:
- Posodobite operacijski sistem, da se posodobijo tudi brskalniki.
- Iz prenesete zadnjo različico namestitvene datoteke s končnico .rpm. Paziti je potrebno, da se prenese ustrezno 32bitno ali 64bitno različico, glede na operacijski sistem, ki ga uporabljate.
- Namestite Oracle Javo po naslednjih navodilih (prikazan je en primer .rpm namestitvene datoteke, ki naj se jo v ukazu zamenja s pravo (ki ste jo prenesli k sebi), in ki ustreza vašemu okolju ter je seveda najnovejša različica):
- Ukaze zaženete v Terminalu.
- Delate kot root uporabnik.
- Vpišete admin geslo.
- Postavite se v imenik, kamor ste prenesli .rpm datoteko.
- Namestite Javo:
- sudo rpm -ivh jre-8u60-linux-i586.rpm
- Izvedete nastavitev za Javo:
- sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/default/bin/java 200000
- Nastavite katero Javo naj sistem uporablja - izberete:
- sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --config java
- Ponovno zaženete operacijski sistem.
Uvoz digitalnih potrdil:
Uvoz osebnega digitalnega potrdila v brskalnik Firefox:
- Digitalno potrdilo (certifikat) je potrebno namestiti v shrambo digitalnih potrdil, ki je v samem brskalniku.
- To storite tako, da v brskalniku izvedete naslednje korake:
- en: Preferences -> Advanced -> Certificates -> View Certificates -> Your Certificates -> Import
- si: Nastavitve -> Napredno -> Digitalna potrdila -> Preglej digitalna potrdila -> Vaša digitalna potrdila -> Uvozi
Uvoz spletnega strežniškega potrdila SIGOV-CA potrdila (opcijsko):
- Uvoz ni potreben, v kolikor boste pri postopku oddaje izbrali opcijo "Always trust content from this publisher".
- Spletno strežniško potrdilo strežnika podpisano s strani SIGOV-CA je potrebno uvoziti v Java Plugin kot korensko potrdilo:
- Odprite Oracle Java Plugin Control Panel ali poženite ukaz 'jcontrol' v Terminalu.
- Izberite: Security -> Manage Certificates -> Certificate Type = Secure Site -> User -> Import (file sigov-ca.crt)
V primeru težav:
- V primeru težav nam pošljite izpisek iz Java Control Panel:
- Odprite Oracle Java Plugin Control Panel ali poženite ukaz 'jcontrol' v Terminalu.
- Izberite Advanced -> Java Console -> in izberite Show Console.
- Ponovno poženite brskalnik in obiščite testno stran za podpisovanje.
- Ob nalaganju strani se bo odprlo dodatno okno oz. Java konzola, kjer bo zabeležen celoten postopek nameščanja in morebitne napake.
Vrnite se k splošnim za nameščanje komponente za podpisovanje dokumentov.
Ostali operacijski sistemi Linux
Namestitev jave:
Na operacijskem sistemu je običajno nameščena ali prednameščena odprto-kodna različica Jave OpenJDK, ki je komponenta za podpisovanje ne podpira.
Namestiti in aktivirati morate Oracle Javo (JRE), ki jo lahko najdete na uradni strani za prenos Jave.
Namestitev lahko opravite na več načinov - ponujamo vam nekaj povezav z navodili oz. jih poiščite sami:
Uvoz digitalnih potrdil:
Uvoz osebnega digitalnega potrdila v brskalnik Firefox:
- Digitalno potrdilo (certifikat) je potrebno namestiti v shrambo digitalnih potrdil, ki je v samem brskalniku.
- To storite tako, da v brskalniku izvedete naslednje korake:
- en: Preferences -> Advanced -> Certificates -> View Certificates -> Your Certificates -> Import
- si: Nastavitve -> Napredno -> Digitalna potrdila -> Preglej digitalna potrdila -> Vaša digitalna potrdila -> Uvozi
Uvoz spletnega strežniškega potrdila SIGOV-CA potrdila (opcijsko):
- Uvoz ni potreben, v kolikor boste pri postopku oddaje izbrali opcijo "Always trust content from this publisher".
- Spletno strežniško potrdilo strežnika podpisano s strani SIGOV-CA je potrebno uvoziti v Java Plugin kot korensko potrdilo:
- Odprite Oracle Java Plugin Control Panel ali poženite ukaz 'jcontrol' v Terminalu.
- Izberite: Security -> Manage Certificates -> Certificate Type = Secure Site -> User -> Import (file sigov-ca.crt)
V primeru težav:
- V primeru težav nam pošljite izpisek iz Java Control Panel:
- Odprite Oracle Java Plugin Control Panel.
- Izberite Advanced -> Java Console -> in izberite Show Console.
- Ponovno poženite brskalnik in obiščite testno stran za podpisovanje.
- Ob nalaganju strani se bo odprlo dodatno okno oz. Java konzola, kjer bo zabeležen celoten postopek nameščanja in morebitne napake.
Vrnite se k splošnim za nameščanje komponente za podpisovanje dokumentov.
Navodila za namestitev Jave za uporabnike brskalnikov, ki uporabljajo Java komponento za podpisovanje
For the proper functioning of the component for electronic signatures, Java 8 is required. Please keep Java regularly updated.
Installing Java from Oracle on Linux operating systems requires advanced technical knowledge of the operating system.
To sign documents with browsers that use Java component for electronic signatures, you must be running the appropriate version of the browser and the appropriate version of Java (JRE).
The component requires Java (JRE) developed by Oracle ( to run, therefore all other open source or similar solutions pre-installed on Linux operating systems will not be sufficient.
General instructions
You can check if you already have the appropriate version of Java running in your browser by visiting this page If you will see a notification about Java developed by Oracle that is installed and running in your browser, then your web browser is ready for use with our component. Otherwise, if Java is not installed, we are offering you some additional information and instructions depending on your operating system, to help you install Java.
Upon installation of a new version of Java (JRE) on Linux operating systems, including automatic upgrades (this is the default setting), the installation files are placed in a new folder. Because of this, it is necessary to repeat the process of installing the component.
Mac OS operating system
Java installation:
Java is not installed by default on the Mac OS operating system.
You must install and activate Oracle Java (JRE), which can be downloaded via java download page.
You can install Java by following the instructions provided by Oracle on their official web page.
- Download the latest version of the installation file, run the installer and follow the instructions.
Importing the certificates:
Importing your personal certificate into operating system, required by the Safari browser:
- The certificate needs to be installed in certificate store named KeyChain Access.
- This can be done by drag and dropping your certificate file into Keychain Access window -> Login -> My certificates, or you can double click the certificate file. If you are importing the certificate by double clicking it, select Keychain=Login and import the certificate.
Importing your personal certificate into Firefox browser:
- The certificate needs to be installed in Firefox certificate store.
- This can be done by performing the following steps in your browser:
- Preferences -> Advanced -> Certificates -> View Certificates -> Your Certificates -> Import
Importing the SIGOV-CA server certificate (optional):
- If you select 'Always trust content from this publisher' while submitting the document, you are not required to import this certificate.
- Server certificate for signed by SIGOV-CA needs to be imported into Java plugin as a root certificate:
- Open the Oracle Java Plugin Control Panel by selecting Java icon in System preferences.
- Select: Security -> Manage Certificates -> Certificate Type = Secure Site -> User -> Import (file sigov-ca.crt)
In case of any problems:
- If you encounter any problems, please send us Java Control Panel log:
- Open the Oracle Java Plugin Control Panel by selecting Java icon in System preferences.
- Select Advanced -> Java Console -> and select Show Console.
- Restart your web browser and visit test page.
- An additional window (Java Console) will open, providing you with the installation information and any encountered errors.
Return to the instructions for the installation of the component for electronic signatures.
Linux Ubuntu operating system
Java installation:
Linux Ubuntu operating system usually has installed or pre-installed open source version of Java OpenJDK, which is not supported by the electronic signature component.
You must install and activate Oracle Java (JRE), which can be downloaded via java download page.
Installation can be done in multiple ways. Here you can choose one of three options we are offering you:
- You can follow the instructions provided by Oracle on the Java official download webpage.
- More information can be found in the instructions of the operating system
- You can also use this detailed instructions which were valid at least on 01/09/2015:
- Please update your operating system, so the browsers can also be updated.
- Restart your computer.
- Install Oracle Java using the following steps (for advanced users):
- Open Terminal and run the following commands.
- Add repository:
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
- Once repository is added and saved, update the repository:
- Install Java 8:
- sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
- Validate Java installation:
- Specify the default use of Oracle Java:
- sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-8-oracle
- Select the appropriate Java.
- Restart your computer.
Importing the certificates:
Importing your personal certificate into Firefox browser:
- The certificate needs to be installed in Firefox certificate store.
- This can be done by performing the following steps in your browser:
- Preferences -> Advanced -> Certificates -> View Certificates -> Your Certificates -> Import
Importing the SIGOV-CA server certificate (optional):
- If you select 'Always trust content from this publisher' while submitting the document, you are not required to import this certificate.
- Server certificate for signed by SIGOV-CA needs to be imported into Java plugin as a root certificate:
- Open the Oracle Java Plugin Control Panel or run ‘jcontrol’ in the Terminal window.
- Select: Security -> Manage Certificates -> Certificate Type = Secure Site -> User -> Import (file sigov-ca.crt)
In case of any problems:
- If you encounter any problems, please send us Java Control Panel log:
- Open the Oracle Java Plugin Control Panel or run ‘jcontrol’ in the Terminal window.
- Select Advanced -> Java Console -> and select Show Console.
- Restart your web browser and visit test page.
- An additional window (Java Console) will open, providing you with the installation information and any encountered errors.
Return to the instructions for the installation of the component for electronic signatures.
Linux Fedora operating system
Java installation:
Linux Fedora operating system usually has installed or pre-installed open source version of Java OpenJDK, which is not supported by the electronic signature component.
You must install and activate Oracle Java (JRE), which can be downloaded via java download page. Java plugin in the browser is no longer necessary.
Installation can be done in multiple ways. Here you can choose one of three options we are offering you:
- You can follow the instructions provided by Oracle on the Java official download webpage.
- More information can be found in the instructions of the operating system
- You can also use this detailed instructions which were valid at least on 01/09/2015:
- Please update operating system, so the browsers can also be updated.
- From download the latest version of Java installer with .rpm file extension. Please download the appropriate 32bit or 64bit version, depending on the operating system you are using.
- Use the following steps to install Oracle Java (we have provided a sample of installing an rpm package. Please replace the rpm file name that is appropriate for your environment:
- Open terminal and run the following commands.
- Switch user to root.
- Enter admin password.
- Change directory to where the downloaded rpm package is.
- Install Java:
- sudo rpm -ivh jre-8u60-linux-i586.rpm
- Configure Java:
- sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/default/bin/java 200000
- Specify the default use of Oracle Java:
- sudo /usr/sbin/alternatives --config java
- Restart your computer.
Importing the certificates:
Importing your personal certificate into Firefox browser:
- The certificate needs to be installed in Firefox certificate store.
- This can be done by performing the following steps in your browser:
- Preferences -> Advanced -> Certificates -> View Certificates -> Your Certificates -> Import
Importing the SIGOV-CA server certificate (optional):
- If you select 'Always trust content from this publisher' while submitting the document, you are not required to import this certificate.
- Server certificate for signed by SIGOV-CA needs to be imported into Java plugin as a root certificate:
- Open the Oracle Java Plugin Control Panel or run ‘jcontrol’ in the Terminal Window.
- Select: Security -> Manage Certificates -> Certificate Type = Secure Site -> User -> Import (file sigov-ca.crt)
In case of any problems:
- If you encounter any problems, please send us Java Control Panel log:
- Open the Oracle Java Plugin Control Panel or run ‘jcontrol’ in the Terminal windows.
- Select Advanced -> Java Console -> and select Show Console.
- Restart your web browser and visit test page.
- An additional window (Java Console) will open, providing you with the installation information and any encountered errors.
Return to the instructions for the installation of the component for electronic signatures.
Other Linux operating systems
Java installation:
Linux operating systems usually have installed or pre-installed open source version of Java OpenJDK, which is not supported by the electronic signature component.
You must install and activate Oracle Java (JRE), which can be downloaded via java download page.
Installation can be done in multiple ways. Here you can choose one of the links to instructions or please find them yourself:
Importing the certificates:
Importing your personal certificate into Firefox browser:
- The certificate needs to be installed in Firefox certificate store.
- This can be done by performing the following steps in your browser:
- Preferences -> Advanced -> Certificates -> View Certificates -> Your Certificates -> Import
Importing the SIGOV-CA server certificate (optional):
- If you select 'Always trust content from this publisher' while submitting the document, you are not required to import this certificate.
- Server certificate for signed by SIGOV-CA needs to be imported into Java plugin as a root certificate:
- Open the Oracle Java Plugin Control Panel or run ‘jcontrol’ in the Terminal window.
- Select: Security -> Manage Certificates -> Certificate Type = Secure Site -> User -> Import (file sigov-ca.crt)
In case of any problems:
- If you encounter any problems, please send us Java Control Panel log:
- Open the Oracle Java Plugin Control Panel.
- Select Advanced -> Java Console -> and select Show Console.
- Restart your web browser and visit test page.
- An additional window (Java Console) will open, providing you with the installation information and any encountered errors.
Return to the instructions for the installation of the component for electronic signatures.